Stargate SG-1, Tollan Arm Device

original movie prop

The Tollans are a highly advanced race, and their technology includes space travel, interstellar communication, and devices to monitor health, record emotions, generate holographic images, or produce unlimited energy. They have the technology to build their own stargate, they use security devices which can detect and disable any form of weaponry, and they use a defense network of powerful ion cannons which can destroy a mothership in orbit.

This is for a studio designed prop device used during the production of Stargate SG-1. The unique item features a digital style colored face which has been attached to a silver arm band which is one of many different styles of these Tollan technology devices. This version is in excellent condition and was received from the studio used in the series episode 9E. This unique device has been made from hard resin materials..

prop: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: movie props
movie: Stargate SG-1 (TV) (1997)
original (628)  |  replica (137)
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