The X Files, The X Files "Terma" Prop Book Gilian Anderson

original movie prop

This book was used as a prop in the hit sci-fi television series "The X Files" (1993-2002) in the episode entitled "Terma". The book has 317 pages and is actually a book about emerging viruses. There is cover taped on the book that is titled "Variola Virus" by Dr. Bonita Charne- Sayre. This lot also comes with a photo of the prop(s) in the episode. This lot includes a signed certificate of authenticity from Hollywood CPR and EntertainmentRarities (An Associate of Sothebys). Notes: The episode "Terma" (04X10) first aired on December 1, 1996. When Agent Dana Scully is summoned before a Congressional Committee and asked for the whereabouts of her partner Agent Fox Mulder, she refuses to answer afraid that she might endanger his life. Instead she tries to shred light on the deaths of three people caused directly or indirectly by a rock smuggled into the United States by a Diplomatic Courier. She reads a prepared statement before the committee. She is, however, found in contempt of Congress and put behind bars to rethink her answer to their questions. There she continues to study the effects of the black oily substance oozing from the Tunguska Rock. One of the books she is referencing is "Veriola Virus" by Dr. Bonita Charne-Sayre (Guest Star Jessica Schreier), one of the murdered scientists, and companion to the Well-Manicured Man (Guest Star John Neville). This episode was written by Frank Spotnitz and Chris Carter, editor Jim Gross and directed by Rob Bowman.
prop: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: movie props
movie: The X Files (TV) (1993)
original (66)  |  replica (270)
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