Star Wars: Expanded Universe, Tenel Ka Djo Lightsaber

replica movie prop weapon

Tenel Ka Djo was a Hapan Jedi Master active during the time of the New Republic, the Yuuzhan Vong War, the New Jedi Order, and the Second Galactic Civil War. Having begun training at Luke Skywalker's Jedi Praxeum at the age of 14, Tenel Ka fashioned her first lightsaber from a small Rancor tooth taken from her ruthless grandmother Queen Ta'a Chume's favorite pet. During a training exercise with Jacen Solo, Tenel Ka's saber failed abruptly, resulting in the amputation of her left arm and hand above the elbow. As her own arm could not be reattached, she declined any form of prosthesis and sought to augment her other physical and Force skills instead. She subsequently rebuilt her second saber stronger than the first, with a larger Rancor tooth.


Static display replica, with resin tooth surrounding a solid aluminum core, red jewel, belt clip, and activation lever.


By Nocturne Armory.

prop: collector:
category: other replicas
type: prop weapons
movie: Star Wars: Expanded Universe
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