Star Trek: The Original Series, TOS PADD

replica movie prop

This is a full scale prop-replica that I scratch-built. The TOS PADD was used at least briefly in at least one scene  in virtually all TOS episodes, and yet it is one of the most overlooked props from that show - it didn't even have a name on-screen. It wasn't called a PADD, it wasn't called anything. Yet it functioned as a PADD - Captain Kirk  reviewed data and signed off on reports using the nameless device and Mr Spock used it in several episodes.  Even when Kirk or Spock weren't using it, the PADD often appeared in the background in the hands of some  pretty-young-thing roaming the Enterprise bridge.  My replica is entirely made of hand-cut sheet styrene with a 1/8" thick plexiglass screen.  I added a detailed screen (Photoshop) and working lighting effects (the indicator  lights work and the screen can be lit).

To see more of my work visit my website 

Ernie N 

prop: collector:
category: other replicas
type: movie props
movie: Star Trek: The Original Series (TV) (1966)
original (93)  |  replica (644)
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