Superman Returns, Superman Returns Daily Planet newspaper (man of steel is back) and why world don\'t ne
original movie prop
Superman Returns screen used newspaper seen in movie after clark saves plane also when open newspaper also has article by lois lane why world don\'t need superman
I am a huge fan of Superman/Supergirl and is always looking to add to our public and private collection especially props or wardrobe/production items and cast and crew gifts from smallville. As well from any of the shows and movies of The Adventures of Superman,Reeve Superman movies 1-4,Superboy,New Adventures of Lois and Clark,Supergirl show,Superman Returns,Man of Steel,Supergirl movie and up comming Superman and lois/ any incarnation of Superman/Supergirl. Will pay $$ $$$. Please send me a message if you have anything for sale or even wanting to trade we have other props as well to trade for Superman/Supergirl pieces
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