Halloween (Rob Zombie's), Screenused Rubber Knife used by Daeg Faerch to Dispatch Judith Myers as young Michael

original movie prop


For the past couple of years, some of my interest has involved the knives in the Rob Zombie Halloween films - particularly used by Daeg Faerch as young Myers. I always loved those scenes and the "creation" of Myers holds great significance to his story. One of the cooler facts about the knives used by Faerch was their smaller size to look more to scale in his smaller hands.


Most of the knives as described by Mark Richardson were metal and purposely dulled to be safely handled by the actors. These "hero" knives can be spotted fairly easily due to their thin profile. William Forsythe even joked about being nervous a metal knife, though dulled, was placed so close to his neck during his death scene.


Conversely, rubber knives stand out due to their thickness. In examining the film frame by frame as well as the behind the scenes, a close look indicates a screen match to the knife Myers is holding in this pivotal scene - during the gruesome moments of Myers trailing Judith after previously stabbing her (incidentally with a different prop knife that retracted)- and also while she crawls on the floor - and is used to slash at her until she is ultimately killed (a rubber knife used as a safety precaution to avoid harm to actress Hanna R. Hall while the young actor slashed away.


The knife is still sticky from the fake blood once covering it - and blood still remains in its crevices. It shares dimples and knicks visible in screenshots. 

Definitely a significant prop in Michael Myers lore.


There have been other knives purporting to be THE knife from this specific scene, but this is the only specimen clearly screen matched. Also, to avoid confusion, I'd like to clarify that while this knife is listed a few times with previous owners, it is currently in my possession.



prop: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: movie props
coa issued by: Screencaptured (4)
original (3)  |  replica (1)
celebrity: Daeg Faerch (12)
original (10)  |  replica (2)
movie: Halloween (Rob Zombie's) (2007)
original (135)  |  replica (56)
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