The Shining, Room 237 Keychain

replica movie prop

The Shining set for the Overlook Hotel was then the largest ever built at Elstree, including a full re-creation of the exterior of the hotel. A few exterior shots by a second-unit crew were done at Timberline Lodge on Mount Hood in Oregon. These shots are notable because of the absence of the hedge maze, a nonexistent feature at the actual hotel. Some of the interiors are based on those of the Ahwahnee Hotel in Yosemite National Park. The Timberline Lodge requested Kubrick change the number of the sinister Room 217 of King's novel to 237, so customers would not avoid the real Room 217.

There was many rumors about Room 237 and several other mysteries which were set and hid within the movie by the director Stanley Kubrick. Some of them are believed to reveal that the Apollo 11 moonlanding was a fake, and Kubrick was directed it for the NASA to deceive the public.

prop: collector:
category: other replicas
type: movie props
celebrity: Jack Nicholson (29)
original (9)  |  replica (20)
movie: The Shining (1980)
original (6)  |  replica (16)
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