Gremlins, Original Gremlins Call Sheets

original production material

Here are 3 original call sheets from Gremlins. They are dated October 11th, 17th, and 20th, 1983. They were used for some pretty fantastic scenes, including the Gremlin Christmas Carolers in Mrs. Deagle's yard, Stripe's mangled skeleton falling out of the fountain, Gizmo opening the blinds in the greenhouse, Gremlins tearing the movie screen, Gremlins burning in the theatre, and Gremlins swinging from Mr. Futterman’s antenna.

Also included was a scene which was ultimately cut from the film, which took place in the department store (Stripe winds up a flying bird toy and throws it at Billy to disorient him).

I think it's pretty fantastic that all three call sheets include scenes that are very heavy on animatronics (including Gizmo himself!), some even using puppets of the same variety as the one that I own!

I’m ALWAYS on the lookout for more Gremlins items of any kind from either movie, so feel free to contact me if you have anything to offer!

item: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: production material
movie: Gremlins (1984)
original (23)  |  replica (57)
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