The Matrix Reloaded / Revolutions, Neo's (Keanu Reeves) coat

original movie costume

According to an interview on with Dan Bronson, the Costume Supervisor on the film, "...the coat that Keanu [Reeves, Neo] wears is made in seven different fabrics for very specific different scenes, due to the way each fabric flows and moves." This particular coat is a smoother cloth, and has no lining on the bottom half. Compared with some of the other heavier coats, this would allow better movement. There are several shots in the movie where Neo's coat seems smoother. As well, in some of the behind the scenes documentaries on the 10 disc Ultimate Edition, a member of the CGI team points out how they used one of Neo's coats to get every small detail. The cloth on this particular documentary looks like this coat. In another couple of behind the scenes shots, Neo has wires hooked up to him and the coat looks like a smooth one. Lastly, when promo shots were taken, Neo's coat again looks very smooth in the pictures. This coat has several small cuts around the waist and inside the pockets. There is one large cut across the front below the waist area that was repaired during the film. The coat is in great screen used condition. I
costume: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: costumes/wardrobe
celebrity: Keanu Reeves (116)
original (40)  |  replica (76)
movie: The Matrix Reloaded / Revolutions (2003)
original (25)  |  replica (7)
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