Zombieland, License Plates from Wrecked Cars

original movie prop

These are license plates from two of the abandoned wrecked cars used as set dressing on Hollywood Blvd during the filming of the zombie horror/comedy staring Woody Harrelson.
Here's a shot of Hollywood Blvd during filming with the hero's yellow Hummer driving (or being towed) down the street past the wrecked cars. The first plate came off the lower car circled (that appears to have been in an accident), and other plate (the partial one) is from the burned-up SUV circled at the top. The company that supplied the wrecked cars to the production was nice enough to let me salvage the plates before the cars were taken to where ever wrecked movie cars go at the end of the day...
prop: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: movie props
movie: Zombieland (2009)
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