Warehouse 13, Lewis Carroll Looking-Glass Shard Artifact

original movie prop

In fourth season episode Fractures, the vengeful spirit of Alice Liddell, whose descent into madness was presaged in Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass, escapes her imprisonment in Carroll's mirror and immediately destroys it, keeping a shard for herself. Alice's psyche, having escaped her mirrored prison by possessing/hijacking an unfortunate victim's body, finds that she can now jump to a new host simply by making them look at their reflection in the fragment. Alice leads the Warehouse agents on a merry chase as she takes over one person after another, eventually winding up in Claudia before being forced back into the mirror shard by a blast from Steve's Tesla.


Multiple production-made mirror fragments, of similar shape and size, in different styles including mirror-backed thick and thin hard plastic, and soft foam with thin plastic reflective silver surface & faux bloodstains.


From VIP Fan Auctions & NBCUniversal.



prop: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: movie props
celebrity: Aaron Ashmore (23)
original (20)  |  replica (3)
movie: Warehouse 13 (TV) (2009)
original (124)  |  replica (29)
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