original movie costume

This pair of distressed dark blue pants was worn onscreen by the actor Kiefer Sutherland, while portraying the iconic character "Jack Bauer", on the hit television series "24" on FOX. The pants are badly torn and covered in mud and dirt from the very memorable "Nina - Plane Crash" sequence in episode 10 of Day 2 (season 2) of 24. Fans will remember this iconic action sequence as Jack and Nina Myers' plane crashes and soon after they are ambushed and hunted by the infamous "Coral Snake Unit". Working as an unlikely team fighting for survival, Jack and Nina kill their hunters, but Nina has other plans for Jack. She holds him hostage at gunpoint and calls President Palmer with some specific demands. She requests immunity for a future crime she has not yet committed in return for info about where the nuclear bomb is located. Palmer is horrified to hear that the crime she wants immunity from is the murder of Jack Bauer !!  This dramatic sequence shows President Palmer tearfully accepting Nina's immunity request and Jack telling the President that he is doing "what must be done".  This pair of distessed pants can easily be screen matched from the various screen shots. The pants are fully certified by a 20th Century Fox COA. 

costume: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: costumes/wardrobe
coa issued by: 20th Century Fox (193)
original (188)  |  replica (5)
celebrity: Kiefer Sutherland (77)
original (67)  |  replica (10)
movie: 24 (TV)
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