Indiana Jones And The Raiders Of The Lost Ark, Indiana Jones Field Journal..

replica movie prop

Handwritten Field Journal written by Indy in his darker - in many senses - years of his life and career, the decade 1940 - 1950..

It's a journal that contains thoughts, field reports, adventures and travels. It covers all the '40s..

Steerpike preliminar work consisted in research, study of all the published material, related to this period, and then developing Indy's year war, recreating hi career as spy for FBI first, then Army Intelligence, and then OSS.. In the stories we'll meet again the old Imam, Henry Sr., Sophia Hapgood, Willie Scott, Colonel Musgrove, Mac, Oxley, General Ross, and many others.. Also, a lot of original stories, created joining the historical facts, with the Indy cronology correspondence..

The diary is 240 pages, leather cover, full of inserts, maps, WWII documents, and containing historical photos, featuring Indy an other characters, fictional and from the real life..

All the Indy's adventures featured in the diary are strictly conform to the official Indiana Jones releases..

prop: collector:
category: other replicas
type: movie props
movie: Indiana Jones And The Raiders Of The Lost Ark (1981)
original (92)  |  replica (440)
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