ER, Hospital Set

original set dressing / pieces

County General Hospital Operating Room Set Walls, Glass Entry Doors and Set Decoration from ER (NBC TV, 1994-2009). The pieces include: (1) a pair of double-sided operating room set walls covered with painted plastic tile, (2) the left and right operating room glass doors with applied vinyl letters that read, \"\"Admittance Restricted - Authorized Personnel Only,\" \"Caution - Surgical Clean Area\", and featuring stainless steel details and yellow acrylic bumpers. This material was used on various seasons of the production and was part of the final set that was retired at the conclusion of Season 15. Acquired from Mr. Steven Spielberg & John Wells from Amblin Entertainment, and Warner Bros. Corporate Archives. The set walls measure approximately 94 in. x 87 in. wide x 8 in. deep, the doors measure 83 in. tall x 36 in. wide x 2 in. deep, The items exhibit general signs of wear commensurate with age, construction, and extensive production use.

item: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: set dressing / pieces
coa issued by: Heritage Auctions (48)
celebrity: George Clooney (19)
original (14)  |  replica (5)
movie: ER
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