After Earth, Hero C-40 Cutlass weapon

original movie prop

As I continue to try and complete my brown lifesuit from AFTER EARTH, I have acquired this beautiful hero C-40 cutlass weapon to pair with my complete black lifesuit.

Almost all of these prop weapons I have found have holes drilled down the shafts and I have been searching high and low for one without any holes in them.

Happy to have acquired this metallic silver one that can be seen in the final battle.

I still have not figured out why they interchange this darker metallic silver one and the more translucent, lighter cream colored one as the film progresses, but there is a distinctly different look to this cutlass from the beginning vs. the end.

Still looking for a single piece translucent cream one without a split or holes down the shaft.

Thanks for looking!

prop: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: movie props
movie: After Earth (2013)
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