made from scratch movie prop


Meticulously accurate to the original puppet prop on display at Chicago's MUSEUM OF BROADCAST COMMUNICATIONS, this is GARFIELD GOOSE, the goose who thought he was "King of the United States", from WGN-TV CHICAGO's long running "GARFIELD GOOSE & FRIENDS" TV show. Hosted by FRAZIER THOMAS (the 'Prime Minister'), Garfield and his puppet pals entertained Chicago kids from the 1950s into the 1980s. Thomas also hosted FAMILY CLASSICS for WGN, as well as eventually taking over BOZO'S CIRCUS (THE BOZO SHOW) as the Circus Manager, while The Goose went over to The Bozo Show to became the Circus Owner, buying it from Ringmaster Mr. Ned (aka NED LOCKE) on an episode.



GARFIELD GOOSE was puppeteered by ROY BROWN, who also played COOKY THE CLOWN on Bozo.


This replica is 100% period true to the original prop, the beak hand-created from metal by a fabricator (a metal artisan!) just like the original, as well as the rest of the materials- glass eyes, paper mache crown, etc. His beak "clacks" correctly. "Gar" is wearing the original red tie, which was cooler than the big goofy 'butterfly' bow tie the original puppet wore in his latter days. The fourth photo are the actual TV puppets today, encased at the Chicago MBC museum.


GARFIELD GOOSE & FRIENDS, BOZO'S CIRCUS, AND RAY RAYNER AND FRIENDS were amongst the lead kid's shows in the Chicago market from the late 1950s until 2000, produced locally by WGN-TV CHICAGO 9.

Today, these shows are considered legendary television to Baby Boomers growing up in Chicago. So popular was Bozo's Circus, that there was a 5-10 year wait for tickets to see the show live, parents writing for tickets before their child was born!

prop: collector:
category: made from scratch
type: movie props
celebrity: Frazier Thomas (1)
movie: Garfield Goose and Friends (TV Series) (1952)
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