A Nightmare On Elm Street, Freddy's Razor Talon "opening scene of the movie"

original movie prop

This razor talon was custom made for the production of A Nightmare On Elm St. (1984 ) and is the first image seen on screen of the legendary "Freddy Krueger". This is a one of a kind prop built for the opening scene of Freddy constructing his razor tipped glove, and is one of the most significant Freddy Krueger props in existence......The talon was also used in another scene in the movie during the investigation of Glens death...that scene was eventually cut from the final version of the film...... This razor talon is literally the introduction to Freddy Krueger,,,because it was used during the opening credits of the first film... iconic moment of Freddy test fitting the finger talon before showing the completed glove...

prop: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: movie props
celebrity: Robert Englund (176)
original (65)  |  replica (111)
movie: A Nightmare On Elm Street (1984)
original (8)  |  replica (82)
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Simply iconic. One of the best main title sequences ever and some astonishing prop work. It should be noted that in these shots Charles Belardinelli portrays Krueger's hands as he was the only one capable of actually building the prop on screen. [by Kloga ]
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