The Big Bang Theory, DS9 Boomerang Phaser

original movie prop

This resin prop Boomerang Phaser was screen-used in The Big Bang Theory episode 'The Bakersfield Expedition'.


This prop was originally made at the Prop'er Effects studio along with the original screen-used phasers for Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Voyager.  This one was made by an employee (with a DS9 'tell') and was walked out the back door for his personal collection.  It was later sold on eBay which is how it came into my possession.


Property Master Scott London and Executive Producer Bill Prady, both of TBBT, chose this from my collection to be one of the phasers used by either Raj or Leonard in this episode.  The two characters used nearly identical props from my so it is difficult to pinpoint which actor was wearing and holding this one at any given time, but the other phaser had a slight visual tell the camera could pick up and it showed for both characters at different points in the episode so this one, as well, was used by both characters in those scenes.


Velcro was temporarily attached and removed by the Property Master after shooting.


Screen-caps as well as a picture of Scott London holding the prop in his workshop in the back of Stage 25 of the Warner Bros. Studios lot are included.

prop: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: movie props
movie: The Big Bang Theory (TV) (2007)
original (12)  |  replica (2)
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