Arthur of the Britons, Belt worn by enemy of Lud.

original movie costume

Original, screen-used leather belt with metal studs, worn by Brosk, played by Dark Vader actor, David Prowse, credited here as 'Dave Prowse'

Brandreth (Tom Baker) the Celt wishes to ally with Arthur to improve his own security. His twin brother Gavron feels quite differently.

How does Llud's dream/premonition affect the issue?

Well-used belt that came from the HTV costume store. Davids name is written inside alongside "HTV" who produced the show.

costume: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: costumes/wardrobe
celebrity: David Prowse (150)
original (2)  |  replica (148)
movie: Arthur of the Britons (TV) (1972)
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