Army of Darkness, Army of Darkness - Stop Motion Miniature Deadite

original movie prop

(Universal Pictures, 1992) This stop motion miniature Deadite skeleton was custom made by the production for use during filming of the miniature effects shots of the Deadites in the graveyard and attacking the castle. This is a large foreground miniature that stands 15" tall and features an articulated head and joints with the hands set in place to hold a sword or shovel.. A very rare artifact from this classic film and the lost art of stop motion animation. This particular skeleton is made from resin and has a number of flexible joints so that it may be placed in various positions. During filming, the animators would have to adjust each position frame at a time to bring it to life on screen. Of the few of these 15" Deadite skeletons that exist, this one seems to be the only one that is complete with both of his original knee caps. Comes with a detailed signed letter from the special effects artist who created them for the film.

prop: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: movie props
movie: Army of Darkness (1992)
original (36)  |  replica (9)
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Nice! [by rkpetersen ]
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