Xena: Warrior Princess, Xena´s hero scabbard

original movie prop weapon

Here is a Xena´s set used scabbard worn by Lucy Lawless circa season 2 and 3. I think is impossible to screen match with a specific episode or scene. The main material is a dark brown leather with some aged and oiled parts and the structure of the scabbard is made of soft but firm foam. The scabbard has two leather braids on top and in the middle. The golden medallions are awesome, they are made of resin with golden paint and each one has a paua shell inlay. The back part has one carabiner hidden bewteen pieces of leather on top and where it should be another smaller carabiner was replaced by a leather strip to tie to Lucy’s back corset.


prop: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: prop weapons
celebrity: Lucy Lawless (307)
original (239)  |  replica (68)
movie: Xena: Warrior Princess (TV) (1995)
original (821)  |  replica (146)
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