Terminator 3D: Battle Across Time, Unused Cyberdyne Systems carpet tile Terminator 2 3D

original movie costume

Unused Cyberdyne Systems carpet tile Terminator 2 3D

1 out of 3 carpet tiles samples ever made. The idea was to have carpet at the preshow with the Cyberdyne Systems logo printed on. This is a sample requested at a carpet tile maker company. However, in the end it was decided to become too expensive and this idea was dropped. T23D USF did open in 1996 with carpeting in the preshow, but with a solid color instead of patterns. A while later after its opening, Universal operations pulled up the carpet and replaced it with vinyl flooring.

costume: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: costumes/wardrobe
celebrity: Arnold Schwarzenegger (509)
original (320)  |  replica (189)
movie: Terminator 3D: Battle Across Time (1996)
original (91)  |  replica (9)
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