One Life To Live, Rex Balsom's 1968 Cowboy Shirt

original movie costume

This item is from the hit ABC soap opera “One Life To Live” that started in 1968. Rex Balsom is played by John-Paul Lavoisier on the show. John-Paul has played Rex Balsom since 2003 and he is currently still with the show. This shirt is from the Brooks & Dunn Collection by Panhandle Slim and is a size medium. This collared shirt is yellow, white, and brown with stripes. There is beautiful embroidered detailing and patterns on the very top front of the shirt that follows onto the back. This shirt is 100% cotton and was designed in Texas. The costumer’s put a sticker with information written in thin permanent marker under the tag in the back of the shirt. It lists on the sticker: the character’s name, the actor’s name, that this shirt is 2 of 5 that was used during filming, and some kind of serial number (24694). This item was heavily used during filming and had a lot of camera time on the show. This shirt was worn for a very special story line that was shown in July 2008 to the end of August 2008. These episodes were shot like you were watching “Back to the Future” because John-Paul’s favorite movies are the “Back to the Future” trilogy. It was also done in this manner as a way to remember old episodes and storylines for the 40th anniversary of the show.

From July 2008-August 2008, Rex and Bo Buchanan (Robert S. Woods) get struck by lightning and get sent back to 1968. Because of some weird time-space continuum, Bo inhabits Asa Buchanan's body, while Rex inhabits Bo's. Gigi Morasco (Farah Fath) goes back in time to save Rex and after many mix-ups and mishaps they all return safely back to Llanview, Pennsylvania in 2008. December 26, 2008 was the final episode that this shirt was aired on. This was the Llanview Christmas episode and Bo gives it to Rex for a special Christmas present. Bo presents it to Rex on Christmas day because it was his favorite shirt that he wore while growing up, before he was sent to be a solider during the Vietnam War. Bo kept the shirt his whole life and felt like it somehow belonged to Rex. This item was bought at the very last Disney's ABC Super Soap Weekend in November 2008 in Orlando, Florida. They have a huge prop and costume store opened for the event selling items from the following shows: One Life To Live, General Hospital, and All My Children. This item comes with a wardrobe tag included! "I guess you guys aren't ready for that, yet. But your kids are gonna love it!"

costume: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: costumes/wardrobe
celebrity: John-Paul Lavoisier (1)
movie: One Life To Live (TV) (1994)
original (26)  |  replica (2)
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