Iron Man 2, Iron Man 2 Director Jon Favreau Challenge Coins

original film-crew items

In the Spring of 2009, during the filming of Iron Man 2 director Jon Favreau presented Iron Man challenge coins to the troops stationed at Edwards Air Force Base. 

Favreau and crew members were given battalion and squadron challenge coins by service men and women stationed there. Favreau was honored by the gesture, and in return had customized Iron Man 2 challenge coins produced and given to the troops. 

Although no one is certain of the origin of challenge coins. One story dates back to World War I when a wealthy officer had bronze medallions struck with the flying squadron’s insignia to give to his men. Shortly after, one of the young flying aces was shot down over Germany and captured. The Germans took everything on his person except the small leather pouch he wore around his neck that happened to contain his medallion.

The pilot escaped and made his way to France. But the French believed he was a spy, and sentenced him to execution. In an effort to prove his identity, the pilot presented the medallion. A French soldier happened to recognize the insignia and the execution was delayed. The French confirmed his identity and sent him back to his unit. 

item: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: film-crew items
celebrity: Jon Favreau (1)
movie: Iron Man 2 (2010)
original (41)  |  replica (32)
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