Donnie Darko, Frank the Bunny

replica movie prop

This is the Frank of every collector's dream. There have been dozen's of replicas but none have ever captured the details of the original... not even close. This mask is the closest you will ever come to owning one of the original masks, as it comes from a mold claimed to be used in the original production. After comparing this to all three known original masks, this mold/casting matches down to the last air bubble and detail. Only 20 pulls were taken from this mold and no more will be taken. This is #1 of those 20. This mask is made from a soft urethane foam (just as the originals were made) and comes, as seen, with a stand and plaque which has been signed by James Duval, the actor who played Frank as well as Rob Burman, the original sculptor of the Frank mask for the movie. The hood has been matched as closely as possible to the original, in both fur and build. While this mask is meant to be a collector's piece, it is fully wearable. I was Lucky to get this and truly am very happy. One of my favorite props to date!!!
prop: collector:
category: other replicas
type: movie props
movie: Donnie Darko (2001)
original (1)  |  replica (3)
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This is so awesome! I would love to discuss a purchase or trade [by Grapdds ]
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