Rock The Kasbah, Bombay Brian‘s (Bruce Willis) Costume

original movie costume

Bombay Brian's (Bruce Willis) costume from Barry Levinson's music comedy Rock the Kasbah. While on a USO tour in Afghanistan, a music manager discovers a talented young Afghan girl and manages her through a televised singing competition. Bombay Brian wears the costume when he escorts Richie (Bill Murray) to deliver rounds of ammunition to the Pashtun village. The costume consists of a black t-shirt, cargo pants, a belt, sunglasses and gloves. The black shirt is made by 5.11 Tactitcal and is a size medium (M). The black cargo pants are made by Blackhawk! and are a size 36. The black nylon belt is made by 5.11 Tactical and is a size large (L). The black gloves are made by 5.11 Tactical and is a size extra-large (XL). A pair of Oakley sunglasses completes the set.
costume: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: costumes/wardrobe
celebrity: Bruce Willis (316)
original (219)  |  replica (97)
movie: Rock The Kasbah (2015)
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